iCO2 – 2013


iCO2 is a multiplayer online eco-driving serious game, where the users are challenged to complete driving missions with maximum fuel efficiency while navigating an authentic central Tokyo street map. (iCO2  Website)

Game Design, Game Development, Unity, c#

Game developed at the National Institute of Informatics of Japan.

Supervisors: Helmut Prendinger

Collaborators: Marconi Madruga, João Oliveira


iCO2 is an interdisciplinary project integrating topics of active research: Agent-based AI, user behavior in multi-user environments, and traffic simulation.

Publication made from the research and development of this project:

iCO2: a networked game for collecting eco-driving behavior data, IEEE Internet Computing (IC), Special Issue on Networked Games, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2014.5/6, pp 28-35. [PDF]

iCO2 at The Cube




Available at:

iCO2 – The Cube on the large display screen of The Cube by the Queensland University of Technology in Australia supports touch-based interaction.

iCO2 – Facebook on Facebook uses the mouse device.

iCO2 – iPad for iPad can be operated via touch and tilt.